Thursday, February 23, 2023


Thursday 23rd February 2023



Classbook page 85,activity 1 in the notebook.

Activity book page 77.

Worksheets (all the activities)

👉Worksheet 1 

👉Worksheet 2



Classbook page 83. Culture.

1. Listen and write. 

What did Okan do in the show?

He acted in the play.

2. Listen and write the complete sentence with option a or b. First , circle a or b.

  1.            b
  2.           b
  3.   a          b
  4.   a          b
  5.   a          b
  6.            b
Circle the verbs in red.

1. Okan isn´t very good at dancing.

2. The song was easy to learn.

3.They painted the submarine yellow.

4. Okan was nervous before the play. 

5. Yusuf didn´t play the part of Nasreddin Hodja.

6. Okan´s grandma watched the play.

Present perfect practice:

1.Mason has had a stomachache for three days. 

2.Lily has had a temperature since yesterday.

   She has´nt felt well since yesterday.

3.Ben has had a sore throat for a week.

4. Tess has had a cold since last week.


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Friday 7th March 2025 HOMEWORK ENGLISH Activity Book ·page 119 ·page 129 activity 3 ·page 135 glossary unit 6