Wednesday, February 22, 2023


 Wednesday 22nd February 2023


Present perfect and "just", "for" and "since" .

She has just phoned the doctor because she has had a cold for five days and she has had a temperature since Monday.

We put "just" between verb have/has and the past participle.

    ve just solved a puzzle.


 We use "just" to talk about something which happened a very short time ago.

  • I         have just had a great idea!
  • You    have just solved a difficult puzzle.
  • He     has just won a gold cup.
  • She    has just passed an English exam.
  • It        has just eaten the mouse.
  • We      have just had a good idea.
  • You     have just run 5 kilometres.
  • They    have just made a new friend.


Activity Book:

Finish page 76.

Page 80, Lesson 3, activities 1 and 2.

Page 133.


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