Tuesday, February 28, 2023


Tuesday 28th February 2023


Classbook page 85

2. Listen to the examiner and the pupil. Which answers do you hear?

How long have you played the guitar? 

    For three years. I started when I was eight.

Have you ever played in public?

    Yes, I have. I played at the school concert last year.

Do you think you´ll learn another musical instrument?

    No, I don´t think so. I haven´t got time.

How do you feel when you listen to music?

    It depends. When I listen to pop, I want to dance.


If I don´t understand the examiner, I can say: 

"I´m sorry, I didn´t understand you! Can you say it again, please?

                          My performance

My performance was at school for the Christmas show.

We recited a poem. 

We wore white clothes.

I felt happy but nervous.

My favourite part was when we recited the last part of the poem and audience applauded. I felt proud!.


Song lyrics  = the words in a song

She couldn´t play football 


For and Since

I´ve lived in my house for three years.

I´ve lived in my house since 2021.

I´ve lived in my house since October.

I´ve lived in my house since July of 2022.


I´ve had my bike since last year.

I´ve had my cat for two years



    - Activity Book pg. 78, read out loud act. 1 and         do act. 2

    - Worksheet (2 sides)


Thursday, February 23, 2023


Thursday 23rd February 2023



Classbook page 85,activity 1 in the notebook.

Activity book page 77.

Worksheets (all the activities)

👉Worksheet 1 

👉Worksheet 2



Classbook page 83. Culture.

1. Listen and write. 

What did Okan do in the show?

He acted in the play.

2. Listen and write the complete sentence with option a or b. First , circle a or b.

  1.            b
  2.           b
  3.   a          b
  4.   a          b
  5.   a          b
  6.            b
Circle the verbs in red.

1. Okan isn´t very good at dancing.

2. The song was easy to learn.

3.They painted the submarine yellow.

4. Okan was nervous before the play. 

5. Yusuf didn´t play the part of Nasreddin Hodja.

6. Okan´s grandma watched the play.

Present perfect practice:

1.Mason has had a stomachache for three days. 

2.Lily has had a temperature since yesterday.

   She has´nt felt well since yesterday.

3.Ben has had a sore throat for a week.

4. Tess has had a cold since last week.


Wednesday, February 22, 2023


 Wednesday 22nd February 2023


Present perfect and "just", "for" and "since" .

She has just phoned the doctor because she has had a cold for five days and she has had a temperature since Monday.

We put "just" between verb have/has and the past participle.

    ve just solved a puzzle.


 We use "just" to talk about something which happened a very short time ago.

  • I         have just had a great idea!
  • You    have just solved a difficult puzzle.
  • He     has just won a gold cup.
  • She    has just passed an English exam.
  • It        has just eaten the mouse.
  • We      have just had a good idea.
  • You     have just run 5 kilometres.
  • They    have just made a new friend.


Activity Book:

Finish page 76.

Page 80, Lesson 3, activities 1 and 2.

Page 133.


Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Tuesday 21st February 2023


Classbook page 78. What makes you feel good?

1.Running 5 kilometres makes me feel good.

2.Winning a cup makes me feel good.

3.Solving a puzzle makes me feel good.

4.Making a new friend makes me feel good.

5.Having a goog idea makes me feel good.

6.Passing an exam makes me feel good.


What things have you done? (Have + past participle verb )

1. Have you ever run 5 kilometres?(to run ran run)

Yes, I have.  /  No, I haven´t. 

2. Have you ever won a trophy?(to win won won

Yes, I have.  /  No, I haven´t. 

3. Have you ever solved a puzzle?(to solve  solved solved)

Yes, I have.  /  No, I haven´t. 

4. Have you ever made a new friend?(to make made made)

Yes, I have.  /  No, I haven´t. 

5.Have you ever had a good idea?(to have had had

Yes, I have.  /  No, I haven´t. 

6.Have you ever passed an exam?(to pass passed passed)

Yes, I have.  /  No, I haven´t. 

For and Since

She´s had a cold for a week.

    - for describes a length of time 

    - use present perfect: have + past participle

Toby has had a headache since Tuesday.

    - since desribes when something started

    - use present perfect: have + past participle


How long have you been in this school?

    - I have been in this school since I was three 

      years old.

    - I have been in this school since 2016.

    - I have been in this school since October.


    - Nikita has been in this school for 5 months.

    - I have been in this school for 6 years. 

Other Examples

    - I have been swimming since 2020.

    - Marimar has been swimming for 3 years.

    - I have been playing football since September.

    - I have been taking football lessons since September.

    - Fabiola has been playing football for 6 months.

    - Jacina has lived in Madrid since September.

    - Jacina has lived in Madrid for 6 months.


Present Perfect and Just

Grammar Rule: Have + just + past participle

1. They´ve just won a cup.

2. I´ve just passed my piano exam.

3. I´ve just had a good idea!



    - Classbook page 80, Act. 1 and 2 in notebook

    - Activity book page 74, Act. 2 and 3



Monday, February 20, 2023


 Monday 20th February 2023


Classbook page 57

5. Listen to information on a carnivorous plant. 

  1. What is different about it?
  1. Where can you keep it?
  1. How often do you feed it? 

Classbook: Study pages 56 and 57.
Activity Book: Page 20, activities 1 and 2.

Friday, February 17, 2023



Natural Science

Classbook page 53 

6. Write the order of the words.
    a. seeds            4
    b. water            1
    c. salads           5
    d. medicine      3
    e. sunlight        2


Natural Science
  • Classbook page 54: read out loud the story, do activity 1
  • Activity book page 71 (check in classbook)

Wednesday, February 15, 2023


Wednesday 15th February 2023


Unit 6. What makes us feel good or bad?


to feel                felt                       felt

to get                 got                       got


Classbook page 75

2. Which things can  you see in the video?  

Tick them.

  • a train
  • a motorbike 
  • a bus 
  • Buckingham Palace
  • the Queen 
  • a cinema 
  • a café
  • a cook
  • a police officer
3. What makes me feel good?
  • Going to the park makes me feel good.
  • Seeing my friends makes me feel good.
  • Being with my brother makes me feel good.
  • The weekend makes me feel good.
  • Cooking with my family makes me feel good.
  • Learning makes me feel good.
  • Getting good results makes me feel good.

 What makes me feel bad?

  • Feeling sick makes me feel bad. 
  • Getting bad results in school makes me feel bad.
  • Getting lost makes me feel bad. 
  • Having a lot of work makes me feel bad.
  • Losing someone makes me feel bad. 

 A visit to London

First, I took a train from my village to London.

Then, we took the London underground.

We visited Buckingham Palace.

Then we went to the Shard.

Next, we went to Covent Graden, there were a lot of people! 

Suddenly, I couldn´t see my dad.

I asked a police officer for help.

Then, I saw my dad.



take                   took                          taken                   

 visit                 visited                       visited   

 go                    went                          gone            

 there are          there were

 can not             could not

ask                    asked                         asked

 see                   saw                            seen

What makes me feel good or bad?

  • Visiting may family makes me feel good.
  • Getting lost makes me feel bad. 
  • Being sick makes me feel bad. 

Health problems

  • a cold
  • a cough
  • a stomach ache
  • a headache
  • a toothache
  • an earache
  • a backache
  • a sore throat
  • a temperature
  • a pain in my chest

I´m fed up! I´m always sick.

I´m fed up with being sick!

I´m fed up with wars!


What´s the matter?

What´s the matter with Ray?= (What happens to him?)

    He has a terrible pain in his chest. 

What´s the matter with Flo?

    He has had a cold since last weekend.

What´s the matter with Bill?
    He has got a temperature and a backache too.
For / Since
  • Charlie has had a temperature since Monday.
  • Charlie has had a cold for two days.

 - We use since to say when something has started.

- We use for to talk about a length of time.


Social Science: 

    - Exam! Study!

    - Brain map on Unit 3








Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Today´s Work





    • page 54, activities 1, 2, and 3

    • page 55, activities 5 and 6 


Monday, February 13, 2023



  • Prepare tomorrow´s exam
  • Extra writing worksheet
  • Study irregular and regular verbs 
  • Study units 4 and 5 vocabulary

Friday, February 10, 2023




    - Exam Unit 4 and 5!

    - 2 Worksheets (do everything!)

    - Study irregular verbs list 


Thursday, February 9, 2023



Social science activity book: Pages 17 and 19.

English exam on Tuesday : Units 4 and 5

Wednesday, February 8, 2023


Wednesday 8th February 2023


Activity book page 66

The big write tip: Homophones

Homophones are words that sound the same but have have different spellings.


  • I had two tickets for the theatre too.
  • ate eight biscuits. 
  • I can see the blue sea from the window. 
  • I went to the shop by bus to buy apples and I said good bye to my friends.


1.Infinitive        2. Pas         3. Past participle 

visit                 visited           visited

see                   saw               seen

watch              watched        watched

go                   went               gone

        Have you ever gone rafting?



English activity book:

    page 68 , lesson 3 activity 1.

    page 69, activities 1 and 2.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023





Classbook page 47, activity 5.

 Activity Book page 16. 




Activity book page 66, activities 2 and 3.

Monday, February 6, 2023

T hursday 6th F ebruary 2025 W ord of the day: A teacher A teacher is ..... NATURAL SCIENCE  Q -tips  brand name of cotton swabs.   HOMEWOR...