Friday, December 17, 2021


Friday 17th December 2021


Worksheet correction act. 2.Look and write. 

1 She isn’t as tall as a giraffe. 
2 He isn’t as hungry as a hippo. 
3 She’s as loud as a parrot. 
4 He’s as funny as a chimpanzee.

Sentences of the day

 According to Mason explorers need to be brave.

Irene can´t make up her mind about  putting her coat or not .

Making verbs into nouns: Gerunds (-ing)

We can make a verb into a noun by adding -ing (gerund form).
Example: - Monkeys  climb  trees.
                 - Climbing is fun!

  • Talk: Talking all day long is tiring.
  • Cook: Cooking  ...
  • Explore: Exploring ...
  • Swim: Swimming ...

Interesting fact.
e.g = Exampli gratia (latin)= that is (English) 

English: Worksheets (50-51-52-53) Read out loud everything!
Bring corrected worksheets to file in class on Monday.

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