Monday, December 20, 2021


Monday December 20th 2021

English activity book :
Page 35: Activity 2
Page 38: Read Mason´s post and do page 39 activity 4.


Worksheet Answers- Irregular verbs

2- Amy´s made her bed.

3- Judy and Carrie´ve tidied their rooms.

4- We´ve done our homework.

5- Harry and Olly´ve caught a big fish.

6- You´ve written the wrong address.

7-I´ve thrown my ball into your garden.

8- My friends´ve won the match.

Page 51
4. have / has + verb -ed (past participle)
    2. Dad has printed a long document.
    3.William hasn´t turned on the computer.
                        has not 
    4. They have finished their dinner.
    5. Tina has made her bed.
    6. She has returned from the shops.
Page 52
 To bring - brought- brought

    2.Has Cara seen the Eiffel Tower?
    3.Have we logged on to computer?
    4.Have they searched the internet?
    5. Have you turned off the printer?
    6. Has the match started?
    7. Have their tickets (Mum and dad´s)  arrived?
    8.Have you and Tim won the trophy?
    9.Has Gary hurt his leg?
  10.Have I attached a photo of my house?

Page 53 
    2. Has Molly switched off her computer?
    3. Has Molly tidied her bedroom?
    4. Has Molly finished her homework?
    5. Has Molly made her bed?
    6. Has Molly eaten the apple?
    7. Has Molly closed the curtains?
    8. Has Molly put her books away?


English activity book :
Page 35: Activity 2
Page 38: Read Mason´s post and do page 39 activity 4.

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