Wednesday, October 4, 2023


Wednesday 4th October 2023

Word of the day: A square

Draw a square with your ruler.

Make sure that all four sides are the same length.

Now colour your square blue.


Classbook page 7

Animal categories:

1. They are cats:                        2. They are slow:

-  lion                                               - sloth

-  cheetah                                         - giant turtle

3. They swim well:                    4. They can fly:

-   sailfish                                         - eagle

-   octopus                                        - tucan

-   beaver                                          - butterfly

Questions about animals:

  • What is it like? (General characteristics)
  • What does it look like? (Physical aspect)
  • What can it do? (Things it can do)

  • English classbook page 7, act. 8. Think about an animal ans ask questions about it.
  • Worksheet: Read out loud and answer  the riddles.



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