Tuesday, October 3, 2023


Tuesday 3rd October 2023. It´s week 40

Word of the day: A cauliflower

When you eat cauliflower you are really eating a large white flower!

Cauliflower comes from the same family of plants as cabbage and broccoli. 


Countable and uncountable nouns 

We use "how many" to ask about countable things, for example "apples". 

    How many apples do you eat every day?

We use "how much" to ask about uncountable things, for example "salt". 

    How much salt do you need? 



Unit 1: The world of animals

Page 6. Animal fair


  1. eagle


  1. Forest animals


 English classbook page 6: 

    - Write the animal words in the notebook            - Prepare the game in activity 4 (orally).

Activity book: Page 4





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