Tuesday, May 30, 2023


Tuesday, 30th May 2023


Unit 6: Machines and energy

Classbook pages 82 and 83.

A screw

A Screwdriver

Measuring tape

A watch- complex



  • What are the names of the objects and what are they made up of?

    a. A straw is made of plastic. It is flexible and waterproof.

    b. A vase is made of glass. It is fragile, transparent, rigid, and waterproof.

    c. A table is made of wood. It is

    d. An elastic band is made of rubber. 

    e. A window pane  is made up of glass.

    f. An umbrella is made up of waterproof fabric and plastic. 

    g. A radiator is made up of metal.

    h. A cup is made up of ceramic.

    i. A brick is made up of clay.


    Natural Science classbook page 84. Read out loud Hedy Lamarr´s story and do activity 1.

    Complete the worksheet.

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