Wednesday, January 18, 2023


Wednesday 18th January 2023


 Classbook page 57. Culture

1. Listen and answer. Who does more chores, Divit  or his sister Meena? Divit´s sister does more chores at home.

Children´s chores:


Helps in the kitchen / cooks tiffin     

Sometimes helps his sister tidy the house.


Lays the table

Washes up

Sweeps the patio 

Tidies the house



Divit´s chores

  • Divit can cook curries and chapatti.
  • She lays the table , sweeps the patio, tidies the house and washes after lunch.
  • Divit takes his dad´s lunch to his office. 
My chores
  • I can cook ab omellet.
  • I can cook guacamole.
  • I can cook pasta. 
  • I can make browni and cheese empanada.
  • I can make pancake.
  • I can make a milkshake.
  • I can make a butter and jam toast.
  • I can cook Ukranian pancakes.
  • My little brother Daryl is only two years old, so he cannot do any chores yet.
  • Yes. I only have to finish my homework after school and then I have time for my chores.
  • I wash up, make my bed, tidy my room and put away the shopping.
  • I feed my cats.


English Activity Book:

Finish page 53, activity 3.

Page 54, activities 1 and 2.

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