Wednesday, December 15, 2021


Wednesday 15th December 2021


Classbook page 34. Song.

4.Listen, sing and write a title for the song.

Title:"Ella, the brave explorer"

What has she done?

  • She has been on great adventures.
  • She has explored a dangerous jungle.
  • She has studied the people living in the jungle.
  • She has canoed on muddy rivers.
  • She has explored a rocky island.
  • She has lived in a cave.
  • She has climbed a live volcano.
  • She has travelled into space.
  • She has walked on the moon.
  • She has trekked across a desert.
  • She has explored everywhere!

Grammar: Present perfect 

We make the present perfect with:

 has / have + the past participle

With regular verbs , we form the past participle by adding -ed to the end of he verb.
Examples:  walk - walked
                    dive  - dived



Activity book page 32. Activities 1, 3 and 4.
Page 33, activities 1 and 2

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