Monday, January 15, 2024


Monday 15th January 2024

Word of the day: To cut

You use scissors to cut paper, string or hair and a knife to cut food.

In the garden, you use a very large pair of scissors called shears.


Classbook pages 52 and 53. 

Grammar: Past continuous tense

We use the past continuous to talk about a continuing action in the past. We use was or were with the verb -ing. 

        Past simple of verb to be

            I                   was

            you               were

            he, she, it     was

            we                were

            you               were

            they              were

I was baking cupcakes in the kitchen and my friends were playing in the garden.


Was your cat playing too?

No, it wasn´t. It was sleeping.

Were your dogs barking?

No, they weren´t. They were sleeping as well! 



English activity book

  •     Pages 50  and 51
  •     Page 128, activities 1 and 2.


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F riday O ctober 4th, 2024 W ord of the day: A udience I love theatre ! I n a theatre play, the actors are as important as the audience ...