Monday, January 8, 2024


Monday 8th  January 2024

Word of the day: A picture

The picture on the wall is of a vase of flowers.

The artist likes painting bright colours.

Classbook page 46

2. Listen and take notes (keywords).

  1,   Picture 1. Jessica

farm in the USA

August , hot

County Festival

food, animals, funny things.

2, Picture 3. Jessica´s dad 

country fair 


different colours and sizes

 3,  Picture 4. Rides at the county festival

roller coaster

fun , fust, big, small rides

children rides

4, Picture 2. Ferris wheel

it´s Jessica´s favourite ride.

The roller wheel is faster.



English classbook 

    Page 47. Read out loud and do activities 8 and 9 in the notebook.

    Write activity 4 from "Writing reinforcement worksheet" (at the back of the worksheet). 

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