Monday, December 11, 2023

 Monday 11th December 2023

Word of the day: A bear

While hunting one day, the US President, Theodore Roosevelt let a wild bear go free instead of shooting it.

Today, we call toy bears, teddy bear to remember the president.


Email to a friend who didn´t come to school.

Hi David,

I missed you in class today! 

We had History and we learned about the Ancient Egypt.

We also had English and for homework we have to prepare the Christmas mix song. 

It was a great day. 

I hope you get better soon!

Bye for now,



  • Write an email to Rodrigo about what we did and learned at school today ( at the back of "Writing extension" worksheet.
  • Activity book page 47 activity 4.
  • Practise Christmas mix song.
  • Unit 3 English exam on Wednesday!


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