Tuesday 12th December 2023
Word of the day: To sleep
This little boy is fast asleep in bed.
He is dreaming about his toy rabbit.
Hi Rodrigo,
We missed you in class today. We hope you are feeling better. In Spanish, we had an exam. It was easy. We wrote about our long weekend. In English, we learned about the past simple and more verbs. In Maths, we did a worksheet on multiplication. We also had P.E. In P.E., we had an exam and the teacher graded us on skipping and bouncing balls. For homework, we have to do English work book pg. 47 (activity 4) and practice the Christmas song. We also have a Maths exam tomorrow and an English exam on Wednesday.We hope you get well soon! We are looking forward to seeing you again!
Best wishes,
The 4th grade class
Classbook pg. 37, activity 8
Read story out loud and complete activity 8 in notebook
Write letter to Rodrigo in notebook
Write 2 sentences about what you are looking forward to: 1 using a verb (-ing) and 1 with a specific moment