Friday, November 3, 2023


 Friday 3rd November 2023

Word of the day: Paper

There´s a stack of white paper on the table.

It is for writing letters, drawing pictures and making paper planes.


A   piece of  paper

      stack of

      pile of 

      sheet of


We add -ing to the verb after a preposition (excecpt "to" ).

    Ex:. We need a piece of paper for making a        paper plane.



Unit 2. Human impact on the environment.

Page 6. Story: "Responsible water users".

  • Read out loud the story.
  • Ask and answer:

        1. Why ...





- English activity book page 16 and 17.

- Social science classbook page 6: Read out loud the  story and do questions 1, 2 ad 3 in  NOTEBOOK.

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