Friday, October 6, 2023


Friday 6th October 2023

Word of the day: Fish

Some fish live in rivers, they are fresh water fish.

Other fish live in the sea, they are salt water fish.



  • My nails are clean and short. 
  • I hit the nails with the hammer when I want to hang a picture on the wall. 
  • When a word is in bold letters it´s because it´s important.
  • This man hasn´t got any hair on his head, he is bold
  • He is a bold boy, he is fearless!


the least  ≠≠  the most

Classbook page 9.

Grammar: Superlative adjectives

We use superlative adjectives to talk about how three or more things are different.

    I´m the biggest animal on land, I´m an elephant! (big)

    I´m the most beautiful animal in the world!



One syllable: tall ➡  the tallest



Activity book 

  • pages 6 and 7
  • page 124, 1 and 2. 
  • finish grammar box (classbook pg. 9) in notebook.


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