Monday, October 16, 2023

Monday 16th October 2023

Word of the day: To rain

When it rains and the sun shines at the same time, a rainbow appears. A rainbow is an arch of different colours. 


Classbook page 9. Circulatory system

1. heart

2. blood vessels

  •     arteries
  •     veins
  •     capillaries

3. blood 

  •     oxygen
  •     nutrients
Classbook page 10. Digestive system

  • Nutrients
  • Digestion process:

    1. mouth
    2. oesophagus
    3. stomach
    4. small intestine
    5. large intestine
    6. anus
Classbook page 11. Irregular verbs
To run    ran     run
      /Λ/      /æ/       /Λ/  
To swim    swam     swum
         /I/         /æ/           /Λ/  

Comparative and superlative adverbs
An octopus swims more quickly than a dolphin
but a sailfish swims the most quickly.
A zebra runs faster than a giraffe but a cheetah runs the fastest.

Regular adverbs:   
slowly: more slowly than /     the most slowly
high: higher than / the highest

Irregular adverbs:
well - better than - the best

Natural science activity book, page 2 activities 2 and 3.
English activity book page 9.


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