Wednesday, September 27, 2023



Wedneday 27th September 2023

Word of the day: The letter U

U is for unicorn.

A unicorn is a white horse with a horn on its head.

Unicorns are not real animals. You read about them in stories.


Other words starting with letter "U"

SOUND / IU /                   SOUND / Λ /      

  • Uniform                  - Umbrella  
  • Unit                         - Upstairs
  • Unique                    - Underground
  • Used                        - Underline     

                                      - Ugly  

                                      - Us   


What does IPA stand for?

  • IPA is an acronym that stands for International Pronunciation Alphabet.


 IPA worksheet

  • Read out loud  (mind your pronunciation!)
  • Trace in red the bold letters in the words.



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