Tuesday, May 9, 2023


Tuesday, 9th of May 2023


Clothes words

t-shirt, blouse (only for women), shirt (general word for most tops), jumper, sweater, tank top (american english) or vest (british english), top, cropped top, jacket, raincoat, coat

sleeves (mangas), hood


belt, scarf, hat, cap

shorts, jeans, pants (American English) or trousers (British English), skirt, dress

socks, tights, leggings

shoes, boots, wellington boots (British English) or rain boots (American English), sandals, flip flops, trainers, sneakers, tennis shoes, sports shoes,

parts of shoes: high heels, flat, laces or shoelaces (tie your shoelaces or tie your shoes)

gloves, mittens

track suit (for exercising), suit (formal for special events or work)

uniform, equipment (sports uniform) 


Activity book 

    Page 136, lesson 3 and lesson 5. Read        the grammar tables and make                    sentences out loud.

    Page 112, activities 1 and 4.





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