Tuesday, April 18, 2023


Tuesday 18th April 2023

Sentence of the day: "Do everyting with passion and enthusiasm. Always do your best!!"

ENGLISH LANGUAGE                                 

                Places near my house

Near Nikita´s house there is a chemist where he goes to buy medicines.

Near Nikita´s house there isn´t a bookshop.

Near Liam´s house there is a bookshop where he goes to buy books. 

Near Liam´s house there isn´t a travel agency.

     Grammar: Infinitive of purpose

-Why did you go to the greengrocer´s ?

To buy some carrots.

-Why did he go to the newsagent´s ?         

To buy a magazine.

-Why did they go to the travel agent´s?

They went to the... travel agent´s to buy a holiday.

  •  We use questions with "why" to ask for a reason.
  • We use the infinitive with to to give a reason. It´s called "Infinitive of purpose". 

Activity book page 100
 1. He went to the newsagent´s to buy a newspaper.

2. She went to the florist´s to buy some flowers.

3. He went to he greengrocer´s to buy some carrots.

4. They went to the toy shop to buy some yo-yos. 

Classbook page 110

1. Remember the story. Write the missing words in the sentences.

2.When do we use " a lot of " , " how many" and "how much" ?

    1. We can use "a lot of with countable nouns.

    2. We can also  use "a lot of with uncountable nouns.

    3. We use " how many " to ask about countable nouns.

    4. We use " how much " to ask about uncountable nouns.


SOCIAL SCIENCE exam tomorrow.

English activity book 

    -page 101 activities 1 and 2

    -page 102 acctivities 2 and 3.

Storytelling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzCBY5bL7vo


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