Friday, December 16, 2022


Friday 16th December 2022


Questions to ask to a explorer.

  • What´s your name
  • Where are you from? / Where were you born
                       To be born = nacer
  • What places have you explored?
  • What is the most amazing place you have explored
  • What have  you discovered in your adventures?
  • Are you afraid of anything during your exploring adventures?

 Classbook page 41: Culture.

1. Listen and write notes about a trip in Venezuela

  1. She went on a trip to "Angel falls" with her dad.
  2. It´s in the midle of the jungle. 
  3. They travelled in a canoe. 
  4. They saw some piranhas and enormous snakes and she was scared.
  5.  They walked through the jungle and saw beautiful flowers, parrots a tiny frog.
  6.  "Angel falls" are the highest waterfalls in the world, it´s about 900 m. high.
  7. They swam in the river and slept in the jungle.

English activity book:

  •     Finish page 36
  •     Do page 37
  •     Do page 130 (lessons 3 and 5 )





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