Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Tuesday 29th November 2022


Classbook page 30

2. Listen and correct the false sentences.

 a. The Sun´s rays are more intense at the Equator. ✔

 b. Climate influences what people wear and the houses they build.

 c.The Inuit people build their houses from ice and snow.

 d.In Saudi Arabia, people drink a lot of water and wear light clothes that cover them up to protect them from the Sun.

Classbook page 34

4. Listen to the meteorologist speaking. Which two extreme types of weather does he mention?

  1. heavy rain ✔
  2. heavy snow 
  3. strong winds


Social science exam on Thursday!

  • Classbook: Page 35, activity
  • Activity book: Finish glossary unit 2 and do page 11.





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