Tuesday, November 15, 2022


Tuesday 15th November 2022


Unit 2. What is the weather like?

Page 21. Letś begin! 

1.What is the weather like?

Itś windy and stormy.

2.Do you like the type of weather in the photo? Why?

Yes, I do.Because it shows the strenth of the sea.

No, I do not. Because  don not like the wind and cold.

3.What do you measure with these instruments?

  • Thermometer:To measure the temperature.
  • Rain gauge: To measure the rainfall.
  • Barometer: 

4.How does climate affect the type of trees in a particular area? I think that in areas where there is little rainfall,there is less vegetation. And in areas where there is little light,trees grow taller.

5.Listen to "the weather song".Number the words in the order you hear them.

  • windy     _
  • cloudy    _
  • sunny     _
  • foggy      _
  • stormy    _ 

Page 22: People Who Made a Difference

Anna Mani

Activity 1: Complete the Sentences

a. A meteorologist is a scientist who studies and measures the weather.



English Classbook: Page 28 Read out loud the text about rhinos.

English Activity Book: Page 24


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