Tuesday, November 22, 2022


Tuesday 22nd November 2022


Personal pronouns

singular:  1st:   I

                 2nd:  you

                 3rd:   he, she, it

plural:      1st:    We

                 2nd:  You

                 3rd:   They 

Verb "to be"

singular:  I                am

                 you           are

                 he, she,it   is

plural:      We            are

                 You           are

                 They         are


  • I am
  • she, he, it is
  • you (sing.), you (pl.), we, they are

Sentences with "going to" + verb. Questions and answers.
1. Where are you going to go?
    - I´m going to go to the park.
2. What are they going to see?
    - They are going to see some mountains.
3. Where is he going to go?
    - He is going to go to the beach.
4, What are we going to do?
    - We are going to have a picnic.

 Sentences with "have to" + verb.

singular:  I                      have        

                 you                 have

                 he, she,it         has

plural:      We                  have         

                 You                 have  

                 They               have 



  • I, you (sing.), you (pl.),we, they have
  • he, she, it has 


English: Activity Book, p.27 Activity #4




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