Thursday, November 17, 2022


Thursday 17th November 2022


Classbook page 31.

1.Find two answers for each question. Write them.

    1.What is the next special occasion         you are going to go to?

    b. It is my cousinś birthday next week.

    h. It is my grandpaś 70th birthday next month. 

    2.How do you celebrate a wedding in your country?



    3.Do people usually dance at weddings in your country?



    4.Do people give presents at weddings?



Page 27. Crosscurricular   

1. Look at the photo. What animal can you see? Is it easy to see?      

  •       I can see...
  •       It is easy / difficult to see. 

2. Read. Why do some animals need camouflage? 




English classbook

    Finish page 31, activity 1.

    Finish page 27, activities 1,2 and 3. 

English activity book:

     Page 23, activities 1 and 2.










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