Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Tuesday 18th October 2022


Poem:Native American Winter

Cold Walker  came in the night

throwing down his white blanket.

The people sat by the fire

and told their stories. 

                        By Barbara Gorelick 


 Verbs in the poem

  • came:past of verb to come.
  • throwing:from verb to throw.
  • sat:past of verb to sit.
  • told:past of verb to tell.

Activity book page 12.


Poem:Native American Summer

Red eagle high in the sky

Feathers shining in the sun

The hunter looks, an arrow flies

Eagle glides away.


  Verbs in the poem:



  • Finish Verbs in the poem(in notebook).
  • Activity book page 12. Do "Finished?"activity in notebook.
  • Worksheet.


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