Thursday, October 6, 2022


Thursday 6th October 2022


Unit 1: Our world in space

Page 7. Let´s begin! Activities 1 - 5.

1. What is the name of the Earth´s only natural satelite?

The name of the Earth´s only satelite is the Moon.

2. Which two hemispheres does the Ecuator divide the Earth into?

The Ecuator divides the Earth into the Northern hemisphere and the Southern hemisphere.

3. Why is the Earth sometimes called the blue planet?

The Earth sometimes is called "the blue planet" because of the water. There is more water than land on our planet and from outer space we see it blue.

4. How long does  it take the Earth to orbit the Sun?

The Earth takes 365 days / one year to orbit the Sun.

5. Which is your favourite season?

My favourite season is winter / spring / summer / autumn because...


Classbook page 8. People who made a difference:

Neil Armstrong.


Social science classbook page 8 .

Read out loud the story and do activity 1 in the notebook.

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