Tuesday, October 11, 2022


Tuesday 11th October 2022


Tomorrow is a special occasion. We celebrate "Spanish day", also called "Colombus Day" in America. Día de la Hispanidad in Spain.


Classbook page 13.Movements of the Moon.

The Moon is the Earth´s natural satalite and it´s always moving.

It has two movements

  1.     It rotates on its axis.
  2.     It revolves around the Earth.
It doesn´t produce light. It shines because it reflects the light from the Sun.

We can see different lunar shapes depending on the position of the Moon: 
  1.     New moon ( Dark and round)
  2.     First quarter  (Capital D shape)
  3.     Full moon (White and round)
  4.     Third quarter (Capital C shape)


  • Social science classbook page 18: Activities 1, 2, 3 and 4.
  • Finish brainmap about "Día de la Hispanidad".

Past simple tense, an interactive worksheet by nibe21

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