Friday, March 11, 2022


 Friday 11th March 2022        Week 10


According to =  Based on 

According to their nutrition (what they eat), mammals can be carnivores, herbivores or omnivores.

According to their reproduction, mammals are viviparous.

According to the way they breathe, mammals breathe with their lungs.


Classbook page 45.

2. The four life stages of  a butterfly are...

  1.  egg ( they lay eggs on leaves )
  2.  larva (caterpillar)
  3.  chrisalis (the cocoon is formed)
  4.  adult ( butterfly )

They make a cocoon in stage 3, chrisalid.


Natural science

Classbook: Arthropods brainmap.

Activity book: Page 17, activity 7

English classbook: Page 65, activities 2, 1, 2

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