Friday, January 21, 2022


Friday 21st January 2022                        week 3


Classbook page 24, activity4. What does the nutritionist say about breakfast?

  1. Breakfast gives you nutrients to grow.
  2. It helps you concentrate.
  3. It helps you get better test results.

Classbook page 25, activity 3.
According to the doctor we can keep our body clean by...
                          by + verb -ing

  1.  putting on deodorant and washing yourself.
  2.  cutting your nails.
  3.  cleaning your ears inside and outside.
Classbook page 27, activity 6. 
The TV commentator is talking about the athlete playing rugby.


Natural science
    Activity book pages 8 and 12 (All activities from the activity book must be done!)
    Brainmap of unit 2 .
    Unit 2 exam on Tuesday!

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