Tuesday, January 18, 2022


Wednesday 19th January 2022                                                          Week 3 

9 - 10 Natural Science  4

Warming up: Questions and answers about today's facts.

  • What have we learned so far in this unit? Teacher asks a battery of questions to review
  • Homework correction: Activity book pages 10 and 11.
  • Classbook page 28: Our world. “You and I are the same”.

1. Pop-corn reading

2. Individual work: Write your answers in the


3. Listen and check your answers.What's your score?

4. Page 29: Pop-corn reading

5. Teacher asks checking understanding questions.

6. Do activities 1 to 4 orally the whole class.

Homework: Natural Science Class book

- Page 30, activities 1, 3, 4 and 5.

- Page 32, activity 7 (Write the complete text in your notebook).

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