Friday, January 28, 2022


 Past participle of regular and irrregular verbs.

We make the past participle of regular verbs by adding -ed to the end (or -d ).

Examples: wash / washed

                  water / watered

The past participle of irregular verbs don´t follow a pattern. We have to learn them ! ( It´s the third column of the irregular verbs list).

Examples: hang / hung

                    do  / done


Big values!

It´s important to think about the result of your action before you do something!


Classbook page 59

2. Who does the chores? Write Divit, Meena or both.

  1. Who has football practice three days a week? DIVIT
  2. Who helps in the kitchen? DIVIT
  3. Who takes Divit´s dad his tiffin every day?  DIVIT
  4. Who lays the table? MEENA
  5. Who washes up?  MEENA
  6. Who sweeps the patio?   MEENA
  7. Who tidies the house? BOTH
  8. Who has to do homework every day?   BOTH


English activity book page 52 and 53. Please , check your classbook if you need to.

Listen and sing. Learn the song 💖

    Optional: Write the song´s lyrics in your            notebook.

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