Tuesday, December 21, 2021


Tuesday 21st December 2021

Click  Hannin introduction  and learn more about our language assistant Hannin.

 Check Hannin´s BLOG 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

           HANNIN´S BLOG


Today´s interesting fact: 

Winter starts today at 15:59 hrs. 

Today is the shortest day and the longest night of the year !

"Christmas Wishes" and "New Year Resolutions".

                    "I wish poem"

Oh, I wish I was an angel on the tree.
Oh, I wish I was an angel on the tree.
I’d give ...........and  every girl and boy
............ and lots of Christmas peace and joy
Oh, I wish I was an angel on the tree.

Oh, I wish I was a star on the tree.
Oh, I wish I was a flying bee
I’d give my family and  every girl and boy
big hugs and lots of Christmas peace and joy
Oh, I wish I was an angel on the tree.

"New Year Resolutions".

My New Year resolutions for 2022 are...

  • to study more everyday.
  • to work on my memory skills.
  • to speak louder and with confidence in class.
  • to learn Gallego to communicate with my sister.
  • to improve my organizing skills.
  • to learn French to communicate with my cousins.
  • to improve my Chinesse language.
  • to improve your oral language skills.
  • to improve my handwriting skills.
            My Christmas wishes list

May all your wishes come true !
         ¡Que todos tus deseos se hagan realidad!
    sheng dang kuai le!

I wish.....

      September- December 2021

  • Name:..........
  • Grade: 4
  • Teacher: 

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