Thursday, September 16, 2021


 Thursday 16th September 2021


Useful sentences

  • I don´t have any more space on this page.
  • Neither do I or ... Me neither.
  • I agree ...
  • I disagree ...
  • Shall we start ?
  • I forgot
  • I would like to say that...
  • I´m not sure but maybe the answer is...
  • Sorry, I´m lost. What page/ activity are we on?
  • What´s for lunch today? What are we going to eat for lunch today?
  • Can I borrow a pencil, please?
  • What are we going to do next?
  • May I go outside to drink water/ blow my nose?
  • Can you speak louder, please? I can´t hear you!
  • How do you say ............. in English?
  • How do you spell it?
  • Can you spell it, please ?
  • Wow! That´s cool / interesting!
  • How are you feeling?
    • I´m feeling ...
      • Better, thankyou!
      • Worse
      • So, so.
  • In what part / zone of the playground shall we play today
  • I have it! or I´ve got it!
  • Yesterday I.... went / did / was / ate / saw / played/ had / wrote/ read /....

  • Read out loud RAZ-KIDS (at least for ten minutes) and write down on the notebook the title of your reading.
  • Read out loud the USEFUL SENTENCES.

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