Friday, January 29, 2021


Friday 29th January 2021          Week 5



We use the present perfect tense (I´ve + past participle) for a past action with a present result but we don´t say when it happened.

Example: I´ve had a bad night sleep and I´m tired. 


 Page 57

Types of charts

  1. Tally chart 
  2. Pie chart
  3. Bar chart  


2. Read and look at the charts. Answer.

    1. How many questions are there on the tally chart? 

There are.... 

    2. How many children answered the questions? 


    4. How many possible answers are there on the tally chart?



 English classbook page 57. Finish activity 2        (Write the questions and answers in your notebook).

 English activity book page 51.Activities 1 and 2.

Study for Tuesday´s Social Science exam. (Review activities, summaries and glossary. All activities must be finished before the exam day) .







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