Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Wednesday 11th November 2020


Page 11

Exploring space

The USA and the USSR compete to explore space, we know this as "Space Race".

- 1957: "Sputnik" 1.The USSR sends the first man-made satellite to orbit the Earth.

          "Sputnik 2".   The USSR sends the first animal to orbit the Earth ( a dog called Laika).

- 1958: "NASA" (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is created by the USA.

- 1961: "Vostock 1" is sent by the USSR to orbit the Earth with a man on board (Yury Gagarin).

- 1963:  "Vostock 6" is sent by the USSR to orbit the Earth with a woman on board Valentina Tereshkova).

- 1969: "Apollo 11" is sent by the USA to explore the moon. Neil armstrong is the first person to walk on the moon.

- 1998: "The IST", International Space Station is launched to orbit the Earth. It´s a large laboratory in outer space where astronauts and scientist from different countries can operate in.



Page 28

" A big welcome to our new baby black rhino, Tau!" 

 Huge = Enornous

To weigh


In danger of extinction  =  Endangered

    - Rhinos are endangered. 

    - "Mountain chickens", a type of frog from the Caribean, are endangered.


Page 29



- Social Science Activity book pages 3 and 5.

- English classbook page 28: Read out loud the text about rhino Tau.

Activity book page 24, activities 1, 2 and 3.

- Art


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