Thursday, November 19, 2020


Thursday 19th November 2020


Page 15

Parallels and meridians 

-They help us give precise locations.

- Parallels are horizontal lines that measure latitude (the distance of a place from the Equator).

    . The Equator divides the Earth into the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres.

The places north of the Equator are northern latitudes (N). The places south of the Equator are southern latitudes (S).

- Meridians are vertical lines that measure longitude ( the distance of a place from the Greenwich Meridian ).

    . The Greenwich Meridian divides the Earth into the eastern and Western Hemispheres.

 The places east of the Greenwich Meridian are eastern longitudes (E).
The places west of the Greenwich Meridian are western longitudes (W).

- Parallels and meridians form the Earth´s geographical coordinates. For example, the coordinates of Madrid are N - W.


Social Science classbook: Finish summary page 15 "Parallels and meridians".

Activity book pages 4 and 7.







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