Wednesday, October 28, 2020



Wednesday 28th October 2020


Page 15

The stages of pregnancy

- To reproduce, a male and a female cell must join together. When this happens, fertilisation occurs.

- Human pregnancy lasts nine months and it has four stages:

1. Fertilisation: The sperm enters the ovum, cells begin to grow and they become the embryo.

2. 1-3 months: The organs start developing and the embryo grows into a foetus.

3. 3-6 months: The foetus has all its organs and its face begins to form.

4.6- 9 months: The foetus finish developing and at nine months it gets ready to be born.


- Natural science worksheet.

- English worksheet.

Remember, natural Science exam next Tuesday!

- Art: Finish Voltaire art work (make a wig for him).

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