Friday, October 4, 2024

Friday October 4th, 2024

Word of the day: Audience

I love theatre !

In a theatre play, the actors are as important as the audience.

Phonics: -au sounds like o

  • August
  • Autumn
  • cauliflower
  • caution
  • audience
  • audible


Classbook page 5.

Countable and uncountable nouns.

We use "How many... ?" to ask about countable things.

We use "How much... ?" to ask about uncountable things.








English activity book pages 4 and 5.

In the notebook, write 4 sentences to describe yourself.


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thursday 3rd October 2024

Word of the day:

When you eat cauliflower you are really eating a large white flower !

It comes from the same family plants as broccoli and cabbage.






All about Pasqual

  • Pasqual is the new language assistant. 
  • He comes from Texas which is in the United States.
  • He has a dog.
  • In his free time he likes to watch comedy and horror movies.
  • His favorite food is pizza and tacos.
  • His favorite fruit is a pineapple.
  • He has a brother who has red hair and freckles.
  • Pasqual is the fourth in his family.
  • His favorite color is black.
  • He lived in Alaska for four years.
  • His mom´s name is Julie.
  • He goes to rodeos.
  • He likes Mexican food.
  • He loves Madrid.


Visit the BLOG and write in your notebook the paragraph about Pasqual.

En página del colegio (BLOGS de profesores_ Ms Salcedo)


Wednesday, October 2, 2024


 Wednesday 2nd October 2024

Word of the day: A cake

Bake a cake and cover it with sugar. Then have fun and decorate it with chocolate buttons.

F riday O ctober 4th, 2024 W ord of the day: A udience I love theatre ! I n a theatre play, the actors are as important as the audience ...